Infinite Web Chat | Episode 3

Welcome back to Infinite Web Chat!  Last time we talked PPC (Pay Per Click Marketing).

On Episode 3 we are talking all things Social Media Marketing.  Click to listen above or you can read the transcript below. You can also subscribe on iTunes »

Here are Some of the Highlights:

  • According to Neil Patel, “Social media marketing as the process of creating content that is tailored to the context of each individual social media platform, in order to drive user engagement and sharing.”
  • BE SOCIAL!  Connect with your followers.  Follow back.  Follow similar brands and be sure to like, comment and share.
  • Balance is key. If you post too infrequently, people will forget you. If you post too often, you will overcrowd their feed and they will unfollow you.
  • Facebook has more active users than China has people. (Approx 1.39 Billion)
  • Content is collaborative. If you are working with an agency, be sure to share enough of your business expertise so they can adopt your voice and provide value-added content.

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Welcome and thanks for tuning in to another episode of Infinite Web chat with your host and web marketing specialist Amy DeLardi and LeeAnn Holmberg.

LeeAnn Holmberg: Hi and welcome to Episode3 this is Amy DeLardi and LeeAnn Holmberg and last week in Episode2 we talked about Google Paid Advertising. In this week’s episode where we’re going to be chatting about social media, Amy you want to say Hi to everyone?

Amy DeLardi: Hi everybody good to talk to you again. so they’re with me because I might be a little frazzled because I think getting on this podcast I was technologically challenged today and I’m sure most of our listeners can relate to that at some point in time so hoping that I don’t seem too frazzled again we’re going to talk about now I think social media because there’s quite a bit to talk about there and we’re trying to keep our segment to 30minutes indigestible information. So, let’s get into talking about our topic today and LeeAnn you want to get started?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Sure! Today we’re going to talk about social media like Amy mentioned last week we covered Google advertising and search engine marketing and we thought it would be nice to have talk to high level. Levels of social media to be surprised if we see all levels of social media experience our clients come to us from clients that don’t use social media at all to people that know how to use it personally but not know how to apply it to their business; to those that do have a good following and know what they want, but don’t know how to increase and grow and beyond. So, this week, we kind of want to give a high level overview of some of the major social media platforms give a few tips for posting to each gosh there’s so many I mean. We compete in a list that there’s over 200 Social Media networks and it’s growing. So, we’re going to pick some of the top players that we all known are familiar with at our agency research just picking platforms that you can keep up with rather than signing up for all of them and managing none of them. So, if you’re just getting started or were you’re feeling overwhelmed, we suggest that you look at what best suits your business and honestly look at what speaks to you on what you’re willing to keep up with in your business; or you know in our case if you want to have so many manage your social media networks on your behalf what you’re willing and want to collaborate with and where you want to grow to.

Amy DeLardi: So let’s just give a brief definition of what social media marketing is and what it means because they think that term is thrown around quite often these days and it you know, if people aren’t sure if it paid if it’s organic and you know why don’t we give a little definition about social media marketing before we get into some of the mean potato fare

LeeAnn Holmberg: You’ve got and I am going to borrow a definition from New York to tell who is the co-founder of crazy egg Hello bar and his natural X. He also helped companies the likes of Amazon, G.M. and Viacom N.B.C. grow their revenue so he can to social media marketing as a process of creating content that is tailored to the contact and each individual social media platform in order to drive user engagement and sharing. Notice I didn’t say selling in there at all.

Amy DeLardi: That’s right so therefore that weaves right into what we should talk about first which is content and what are we sharing and how are we going to be engaging with our audience and so I have a few that I can name in and then you can name some as well but you know I like one personally when I’m looking at other people social media, I like it when I see tips or tricks industry related you know whether it’s hair or even you know network marketing, I love when other network marketing companies post tips and tricks. I like to see what the trending You know people are talking about and have to say about trending topics as well and I certainly love inspirational posts so just something to me a little pick me up for my day or if I’m having a frustrated technologically challenge day notice a little inspiration or a sense of humor you know something funny so it’s not always business related. Lee and you have other ideas for content?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Sure! I always like to ask questions so when I’m posting questions, I try to think about how can I get customer input? You know when they’re in something social or it’s an aspect of my business that you know our client’s business that we’d like to see then develop more or optimize so we can ask questions and we can ask what their pain points are what they’re struggling with that then we can learn how to help them or how to give them the right information. You can also ask them to share you know and I mean we say share in social media a lot of times we mean like forward something on that we can ask them to share their personal experiences so we have a client that we work with that does events and a lot of times, we ask their customers to post about their event you know and the specific picture at the event and or their experience of the event. So, that’s a good fun way to get some personal interaction going. Another popular thing that we like to do to increase engagement and increase phone use to run contacts we can ask people to engage, we can ask them to grow or can follow our social media account and then we can give him you know give them incentives like you being something back and then there’s always kind of right in line with what you said the tips and tricks the value added content giving the customer something that will show off your expertise, your knowledge so that when they do need you you’re going to be the person they room yeah I remember I saw that company online let me go back and look and you’ll stay that way a lot more and if you are pushing that sale when it’s time to be social.

Amy DeLardi: Yeah I like to use a rule of some 70/30. I don’t know if you feel the same way but you know 70% of posts should be the tips and tricks there are you know something inspirational or a little humor, information based versus just selling and if you really have to you know push a product or service 30% of the time you should be posting about that, so I don’t know if you agree with that or not you know your rule of thumb is?

LeeAnn Holmberg: I think it is easy, I’m in that same area you know I kind of and closer to the 80/20 rule which you know we talk about that in our business a lot but yeah, I think that you definitely can and I think that when we’re talking about all those above pieces of content and it a lot of that will do that for you. So, you can add a call to action and some of those I think if you pepper in that sales piece and war were right there and people will then take action when you when they’re ready; right you know whether that’s purchased something or consult with you or make an appointment you know book a consultation whatever we need them to do.

Amy DeLardi: Well and it’s not just about posting, it’s you know you don’t just schedule something or post something and then forget it and not ever check back because you know you want to you want to be actually social on it and the more authentic you can be, I think the more successful you are with social media marketing and so, being social mean three spawning to comments if people post comments good or bad you know just don’t take the accolades and hope that the negative goes away have to respond either way. And again you know be human don’t sound like it’s a canned response and it doesn’t have to be so polished and professional I mean you look for spelling errors and make sure things are grammatically correct but you can have more of that first person voice you know and interact with customers and share their stuff on your social media you know I always say do you want to other those you want done to you so if you want followers, are following people if you want more comments have you know start commenting on other people’s social media as well and be a participant in what you want.

LeeAnn Holmberg: I couldn’t agree more and just two quick things that I would point out that one of the health and wellness pages that I follow and I think they do that I really enjoy is, that when somebody on Facebook will leave in a review they share that their paint and name think the customer interact Lee for their review and then they put it right there in their public feed so that’s a part of their social media interaction is when somebody comes along and says hey we think you’re doing a good job or even if you’re not in no interest they still share it and no address whatever the issue is in it and I’ve seen that because it makes a very transparent and it shows how they like to engage with their customers and the second thing is, when I see when clients share, customer share your content or other businesses share your content if you will go back into where they have shared that and if their privacy settings allow like and comment even something as. And push to stay and pay thanks for sharing that goes such a long way it shows that as a business you are paying attention and if they’re valued due to that you appreciate and taking the time to do that even if that’s not their intention, a lot of times when I see people sharing our innocence you’d think inspirational quotes or some other content but taking it time that will make them remember you when they need your service.

Amy DeLardi: Well it’s interesting enough my daughter does a horse riding at a farm and the farm owners posted something on their social media about summer camp coming up and I wanted to share that post when I went to share it, it didn’t have to share a button on it so I wrote in the comment you know can you change your privacy settings so that I can share this on your behalf and they ended up changing the privacy settings so that I can share it, and then I when I did go to share that post in a Mom group local to the town where I live, another Mom said hey thanks for sharing, very helpful information. So, that’s just a first-hand experience personally you know it’s not even business related it is on every fevers and but from my end it was just me you know wanting to share that information and get it out to other Moms who are looking to fill their summer activities for their kids. So, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with posting a comment hey can you expose says or open up the privacy settings so that I can share this on your behalf.

LeeAnn Holmberg: I agree to that.

Amy DeLardi: So frequency, how you know how much is too much when how you know I have this asked this question out all the time how much should I be posting and I know different platforms are going to have different you know basic rules of some sorts. Let’s talk a little bit about frequency of posting.

LeeAnn Holmberg: Sure and you’re right on target I mean every platform has its own. Kind of standard that balance here is the key is Wow And if you post too infrequently, people are going to forget you know you post too often you’re going to overcrowd their feet and unfollow you and we’ve experienced this with clients on both ends of the spectrum and there really is a good balance to it and you don’t want to shove it all down their throat or you know especially the sales piece of it because they’ll just walk away if you’re if they’re having to scroll past multiple posts from you, they’ll be done but if they don’t see you enough choose have your information stick and they’ll just forget that you’re there, you know not think oh I wish you know who was that person he won’t recall who you are.

Amy DeLardi: And let’s talk about hashtags and sometimes the fun sometimes the dreaded hashtag.

LeeAnn Holmberg: Hashtags are very common practice now, and they’re used to add net information must also show media channels. We have seen that are out it which would be just the stuff over use all the time and we try to encourage people and show them how to use and balanced fashion as well you know just enough.

Amy DeLardi: So that’s perfect and we’ll probably get into a little bit more hashtags specific tips when we talk about the different social media platforms that we’re going to discuss today like you said there’s well over 200. So, we’re just going to give some highlights on the top popular ones let’s start with Twitter. You know Twitter has tweets that are restricted to 140 characters, I think most people know that already is that it does character they include hashtags on the handles still?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Yes

Amy DeLardi: And so take that into consideration when you’re when you’re crafting your tweet 140 characters again that’s why people use that Lee or small links if you’re linking somewhere so that that is also. Not taking up 140 characters as well. What else? Let’s talk at all how many times a day should we maybe be posting to Twitter or what do other people do?

LeeAnn Holmberg: That’s kind of a greatly be debated one which Twitter you know one thing I’ll say about Twitter is it’s really a great resource to see what trends you know what people are talking about when you go to what’s trending in your Twitter feed, if you’re you know on your computer you can see you know the far left hand side if you’re on your mobile there’s a tab at the bottom that it tells you kind of what everybody is talking about and that can be a good source for you, if you are crafting a post for that day so that you can be relevant and be on top of whatever’s happening. As far as posting it really is you know there are things that that say post once a day to Twitter all the way to 108 really is Twitter has a very short shelf life the rule of thumb I would give it be between about 3-30times a day I know that sounds like a lot there are a ton of tools where you can preach queue up content and would not suggest sending 30tweets wants or retweeting 30tweets want to fill your quota for the day and needs to be spaced out when I say it has a short shelf life because there’s so many other users tweeting and it gets lost in people’s stream, so you want to balance that out.

Amy DeLardi: So do we have any tips or a hashtag tips for Twitter?

LeeAnn Holmberg: You bet so Twitter does use hashtag as we mentioned before, it goes into your 140 characters so we would suggest to use them but not overuse them one of the tips that I have is to take the time to go back like we talked about earlier take the time to go back and like which is a little heart if you’re looking in there through Twitter stream like things that people have where they’ve mentioned you know or like James. You find relevant or reach retrieve them or if somebody has tweeted at you or mention you and a comment Be sure to respond again people will remember you know you start to develop a Twitter tried of people who will read on your behalf or like or help grow your reach when it becomes a recent reciprocal thing.

Amy DeLardi: Perfect! So, that’s good we’re going to wrap up Twitter because we have some other platforms and I want to take too long we can always dive in deeper So if we have our listeners have questions specific you know you can always post comments on our blog or reach out to us on social media and ask questions we would be happy more than happy to say answer them so let’s move right into Linked In which has over four hundred million users people are there to see what new in their industry or who is hiring it’s a nice repository of a resume for yourself also following other trends that are maybe work related and you know staying up to speed with that so how many times a day would you suggest posting on LinkedIn?

LeeAnn Holmberg: LinkedIn is definitely more business driven. I have started to see a trend where it’s not I guess it’s easy up a little bit but not a lot you know still very much business related. So, on LinkedIn you just need to post a couple times a week had to very modest I would say once a day. This isn’t something where you really want to steal your feed this is more about connecting with like-minded businesses like minded business professionals and growing your business network

Amy DeLardi: So the time that you spend on LinkedIn is not as much posting as it is perusing or taking the time to keep your profile. Well updated and fresh correct?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Absolutely! Hashtags are not used on LinkedIn. If you use them and they don’t and that it doesn’t grab there so they’re kind of filler space and it can be somewhat annoying there, but yeah it really is about connecting to keeping your profile up to date. it’s like mine portfolio so if you have completed something project or you know in our realm of complete websites and things like that we can put them there and also it’s about helping grow your network and you know help grow you so there’s a really simple way link and if I give gave one to peer it would be take a few minutes you know each week set aside some time go on there, see who you can connect with and then there’s a place where you can endorse your connections so you’ll get a notification that says you know you’re now connected with so and so go into their profile, take a look and under their endorsement and  endorsement for a few skills, usually don’t come back in unison and ask those endorsements not what that does certainly can as it tells us you should be at the top so they start suggesting you more and so I would really doesn’t take a lot of time or effort or energy and kind of solidifies your connection with that new person and it will help both of you in the long run.

Amy DeLardi: So moving on from LinkedIn those are all great tips of thank you for your value out there as well but I ask you this we’re going to talk about Pinterest, how many users are on Pinterest?

LeeAnn Holmberg: There are over 100m users and 85% of these users are female.

Amy DeLardi: Great, I didn’t know.

LeeAnn Holmberg: You know it that way Pinterest does it it’s kind of like a digital scrapbook or either one but yeah. They go down the rabbit hole and it a lot of times for me and my humor break because I’ll start looking at when the humor is post and then just. You know even though we say that we’ve actually had experience with a client who had a really strong male audience on an interest so please don’t rule that out even though we know we are talking about the bulk of their users being female, that doesn’t mean that there’s not in our automotive part company that we were working with and they had a great audience on Pinterest. So, there is definitely a male base who is there and that you can be targeted that most of most of them are female and there’s tons of great information on there.

Amy DeLardi: Are we using hash tags on Pinterest?

LeeAnn Holmberg: You know what Pinterest did not use to use hashtags and they now do they’re using them for first search purposes and added them on and not something that it’s just recently changed with them. So, you can again I would suggest not overfilling your feed pick a couple relevant hashtags on our team when we’re using a lot of times will use them for the names of our board which helps with the search as well and it’s hard how many times the two pin per day you know that the me sweet spot is around three times a day you can pin up to 30times a day I would suggest if you’re pinning that much that you have fantastic content so that you’re not making people walk away you know if you’re in an industry or in a business now that really is visually driven and you can handle that capacity and I think that’s great but typically what I’m seeing is around 3-5-7.

Amy DeLardi: I have it have that I’m going to share and then I’ll open it up for you to show. Sarah need to say you have but sometimes I’ll see people that you know they’re more used to using Pinterest for personal and like shopping around and looking at stuff not shopping as in buying but you know just kind of poking around and getting inspired or whatever but when you’re using it for this purposes or you know trying to trying to build a following, you really shouldn’t just code something to Pinterest that dead end people meaning, if I’m on I have a picture on my phone and I want to pan it if I want people to you know to engage with that photo, I was going to want to post it to my Website maybe attach an article or cement more information about it and then Pin. I don’t know if I’m making sense about the way that I’m that I’m explaining it but oftentimes I will find that, you know people knew be posting for business to Pinterest they will just think that they just pin a be a no or a post a picture and it really needs to be a little bit more thought out so that you’re leading your traffic back to your website or that people can learn a little bit more about you and then just looking at the picture that you posted

LeeAnn Holmberg: I think that’s great and to give just the personal side of that you know when I’m online looking at things to shop for myself I find like an article of clothing and if I really like and I think I want to go shopping then I click on the picture and see it’s just a picture and then it’s a dead end just like you said. It’s somewhat frustrating because I work online I know some tips to get around that but that is it is somebody looking to shop or do business with you and they can’t get to you and they get stopped at your picture, most likely they’re going to move on to the next similar picture or similar thing if they if you know A clear cut way to get to you get more information so that either information in the post or clicking to your website making the mentioned

Amy DeLardi: Do you have any other tips?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Yeah so one of the ways and I find painting is a lot easier is that almost all browsers have an at pinning extension a browser button that you can add to your website browser so that it’s right there in the bar at the top and so when you are on your website you continue actually from your website to sending We do a lot we can just click on an image and then it automatically directs them right back to our URL. So, whatever URL, if it’s our business specifically, it’s one of our clients, if we tend from the web page then it would sway me mention that dead end.

Amy DeLardi: I also want to make mention that when people are using Pinterest or you’re choosing to use Pinterest at the platform to reach your target audience, it really is your target audience is it expecting what you’re posting to be more visual based versus copy heavy and lengthy post. So, we didn’t say that when we first started talking about Pinterest but I think it’s important to know that and rule Pinterest out if that’s not really what is going to work for your business and your target audience that you’re looking to attract.

LeeAnn Holmberg: Yes, I agree

Amy DeLardi: So, let’s move on to Facebook. Have I think that most IT today that most users

LeeAnn Holmberg: Well I’m. Not going to guarantee that but they have more active unit users and China has people they have approximately 1.39b users and growing. So, I believe

Amy DeLardi: And that’s more friendly to multimedia right? so it’s images that can be just copy, it could be links, it could be videos, can post full photo albums, so some of these other platforms are a little more limiting you know Facebook is a little bit more all inclusive of a lot of different media, right?

LeeAnn Holmberg: Absolutely! Yes and it continues to grow. So, they’re always tweaking when that looks like. Now, you can you can go life on your Facebook Messenger. There are a lot you can go live on your Facebook page, so there are lots of different opportunities and they like to continue to change.

Amy DeLardi: Yes they do which is why we love our job. People hire others they get so frustrated with trying to keep up with the trends. But you know having said that they make it a little more challenging for professionals to do that and it has to be more of a collaborative thing which goal will talk about that a little bit but how many times would you say that people should target a post a day on Facebook?

LeeAnn Holmberg: You know again near and you can look online and see all kinds of recommendation we really suggest that you’re posting 1-2 times a day and not a whole lot more than mostly because what we talked about the beginning of the call it calving some balance and not overselling people’s feeds you users typically won’t go in and scroll to Facebook and certain intervals during the day and they don’t need to be over inundated with just your stuff but having it in there for them to see, is really important

Amy DeLardi: Nothing frustrates me more than when they triple or you know quadruple posts like all in a row it makes me feel like I’m on their profile or their page and I accidentally clicked into it and I see all of these multiple posts at once and then I get frustrated and often I was well unfollow though you know we all want to do that it actually if you’re trying to build your following

LeeAnn Holmberg: Absolutely! And I think that’s what we see a lot of people do and we have a I have had experience with clients who insist upon and are frustrated when people are walking away or not responding the way the thing anticipated or if they’re doing hard sales. So, it really is important to keep it balanced and not overdo it so speaking of overdoing it what I did talk about. Things started there was hashtags stepping all over the place especially on Facebook so really and I you know I still struggle with clients now who want to put as many as possible in there Poston have to say listen you’ve got to rein back in like this again a big turnoff on Facebook people want content Facebook will being you they won’t show you in the street as much using relevant hashtags, consistent hashtags brand related you know what we help our clients develop what that is. But yes you can use them but really it’s important not to overuse them and a lot of times this is where I’ll refer over to what I said back to Twitter and I look and see what’s trending for the day what’s going on and if there’s something that’s relevant to a business and that’s great but I don’t try to force something to work that want so, yes you can use them please, please, be judicious I mean one other tip that I would have it’s really, really, important about getting your business page seen in Facebook there are a ton of tools that will let you prescheduled your content and if this is kind of a pain point and takes a little bit of extra work that really it’s no important that you if you’re going to prescheduled for Facebook that you do it within their platform and their tools for you to do that, where you can use schedule at her future date for your business page not for your personal pose that Facebook reward to you for that and they actually will bill you if you use another platform like Hoot Suite or buffer to send out content.

Amy DeLardi: What we learned that a couple years ago with some of our clients we were using Hoot Suite and it wasn’t even a really a well-known talked about thing at that point in time, we just happened upon it and got lucky to realize that our post that we scheduled and Hoot Suite were actually getting less reach than the ones that we would post right with and Facebook. So, it was happy fighting and then we just sort of went with it and just started scheduling right with and Facebook but that was the early on before people even really knew that Facebook doesn’t look fondly upon third party software products like Hoot Suite and others.

LeeAnn Holmberg:  Yes and they do they have rules and algorithms and there are a lot of different things that we have to follow and like Google are ever changing that the impact how much you’re seeing you know not engagement and you doing things the Facebook way and if you continue to push that or not follow that and then you will start to see a merry clear and decline in your reach and so that’s something we want our entire team we all try to stay top of and try to share with each other as we see new things coming up.

Amy DeLardi: So last but not least we’ll talk about Instagram, share a few tips and tricks about that.

LeeAnn Holmberg:  Instagram has actually the highest engagement rate if you have been on Instagram you know why, I have to do is tap-tap scroll tap-tap and when you’re scrolling you’re looking at all these images and tap-tap into liking the image takes a couple extra seconds if you want to comment in a very visually engaging. It really is and always has been about pictures. They have just recently shorter videos that you can include but it’s a very visual platform.

Amy DeLardi: How many times a day should we be posting on Instagram?

LeeAnn Holmberg:  So we would suggest posting about once a day and ceramic and no more than three times a day and when you’re posting and like Facebook we definitely don’t want you to post three times in a row because that would just say people scroll right on past off three.

Amy DeLardi: When I first started using Instagram I have two children teenagers and. I would they followed me and I followed them that was one of the rules for them having an Instagram account and they were mortified when I post more than once a day and they were like breaking the cult rules, but it was for all so I study and I always say well they must know you’re talking to other people I’m like well you’re really not supposed to post more than once and it’s funny somebody Parents corrected me and they were a friend of mine and they were like oh that’s just the kids.

LeeAnn Holmberg:  Yes it is apparent I mean it’s ok to want to post if you’re having you know some day you want to share your awesome day I mean. And it it’s not as much for me and our sharing my experiences so I can go back and reflect on those later as it is, sharing with everybody else but you do have to be curious and remember everybody else or say your account private and you can just put twenty at the same shot.

Amy DeLardi: Well you know I love to though now that they have those multiple you can upload multiple pictures Yes So you know aren’t able off and then people can scroll through them so you know am I right if you say no I mean

LeeAnn Holmberg:  I love do not and other really cool trick. And has you know we hear about celebrities like making up and breaking up and leaving show to racing each other from the time lines and things like that there’s an Archive button now so, I’m not in the vein of making up or breaking up but I had a post on my Instagram that was supporting another business who was having event and I always thought about being a shot to leave I know this is well and done and not really relevant to my pain and then when that archive came out I thought man this is create I can archive it, I can see that it still happened it’s still there that I can move on.

Amy DeLardi: How recent is that?

LeeAnn Holmberg:  You know and it’s in the last 90days OK sorry approach No that’s OK If I’m if I’m wrong on that you know you guys can comment and then tell me that’s totally fine it’s in the last 90days because I and I can archive alerts and I mean this is fantastic.

Amy DeLardi: One of things that I love about Instagram is that I don’t think you can have too many hashtags in my world that you saved and I have fun with them too and as I did make them up so and it makes my mates my friends left and do you have any comment related comments about hashtags on it to Instagram

LeeAnn Holmberg:  If you are hashtag lover this is your platform you can hashtag it up. Yes more hashtags is totally fine, the one thing I would say on this is that, it’s really important that they’re relevant. So, if you are out on a sending that same you are out hiking which is something we like to do a lot on the weekends so if you’re out hiking. You can put all kinds of relevant hashtags but if it’s ascending and I’m hiking and I put Sunday brunch it’s not relevant and Instagram actually started doing this new very. Quiet process of shadow blocking and what shadow boxing is It is people who are pushing on Instagram and they are using trending hashtags that are not relevant to their image so instrument am well shadow blocked them which means they will prevent the number of people who actually get to see your posts you don’t like it when you abuse the system this is a very, very, new trend that we’re seeing them do and there’s actually tool not there that you can check to see if you’re being shadow blocked. So, let’s say you post something and you’re getting a ton of likes and things are looking great you’re think you’re really growing and then one day you post something and it’s 5-10minutes before anybody even hits the first like button and you’re not being reached there’s a good chance that that you’ve made a mistake intentional or not and you’re being shadow blocked and so that’s something that I’ve been researching a lot lately and lucky. we can help our clients stay away from that that would be something I’d be wary of if you’re using all the hashtags and there is not a limit on Instagram.

Amy DeLardi: Very, very, interesting information that shadow blocking and like you said it so new that it’s cool be able to share with our listeners some newer tips that they might not have heard about. One last thing I want to ask you about which hashtaging I notice that people will either put their hashtags in the post itself or they will save them and then add them to a comment below shortly thereafter they’ve posted why do they do that why do they add them to the comments versus just putting them in. I’ve tried it because I thought maybe I was missing out on something and what I’ve noticed no if you have, is that my post will get in some of the hashtags feeds and I don’t know if it’s because the timing saying but why did it why do people do that I’m missing out on something?

LeeAnn Holmberg:  Sure so you know we’ve offline we’ve had this conversation before and so I went back in and did a little research to see what the current information was so yes people will sometimes in their posts like in the content of where they put their copy they will include the hashtag they’re just below the copy or sometimes they will put them in a comment right after you know they’ll make their post and then no comment with all of their hashtags at one point in time, it did matter and it was really important for you to have those hashtags in your post at the same time what we are starting to see and what I’m I was reading about now is that now really those will work if you see something that is working well for you and I would I would suggest stick to that because it is something I see it both ways so I think it really is up to you one of the things you know people are putting in the comments because they didn’t in it like a statistically how it looked to have their copy and all these hashtags under it. So, that’s how it started and now I think Instagram has to kind of relent on this one and said are right will go out and put you in the feeds. If you’re seeing that you’re not going into the hash tag and I want to just continue to keep it up in the copy and it’s typically what I try to do in most cases, I can think of one client for example that has a lot of relevant hashtags and so, a lot of times we’ll put some in a copy and then also in a comment oh yeah it’s really it’s up to you it’s your preference and you can play around with it like Amy mentioned and see which you do you see a difference and what’s working for you.

Amy DeLardi: So just to wrap things up wave we talk a lot about tips and tricks for more of that D.I.Y. or and what let’s give a tip on if you’re working with an agency and you know maybe something to look out for a tip to just better your experience with working with an agency.

LeeAnn Holmberg:  If you’re working with an agency really I think it’s important to remember that you share enough of your business expertise with your agency so that they can adopt your voice and that they can provide value added content on your behalf you know content really is collaborative tool. So, what we tend to see is that our clients who get good relevant information you know sometimes that’s all upfront and one-time saying and sometimes it’s an ongoing business or business changes over time you know our throughout the year as they offer different parts of their services I’m thinking of one client in particular that we have fantastic at providing you know how their industry changes over the year every year and they provide enough information to really help us position them as experts and it’s fantastic, it’s not really something that you can just hand over and go hey here you go. I think you can find industry specific agencies so if you’re looking for something I mean definitely available to you but if you’re working with American emergency, I think it’s really important that it’s collaborative and that you work with them. And it only helps you it doesn’t mean that you have to do the job for them but that providing your know how in your knowledge will really make it such a huge difference for you.

Amy DeLardi: One of the things that we do you know behind the scenes to help manage that their voice and their collaboration and you know our work is well put together content calendar and that you know when we build it we have like a template that we start with and then we customize it for that particular client that we share that with them in Google docs so we have a really nice system and that may be a really good Podcast to retract about how to organize a country and calendar things to think about so let’s mark that down line too to talk about in one of the coming future podcast.

LeeAnn Holmberg:   Yeah, that will be great.

Amy DeLardi: So speaking of future Podcast, we covered a lot this week and we covered a lot more bits and tricks for more mostly organic but there’s a whole pay to play part of Social Media Marketing and we don’t even really talk at all about that so next week right we’re going to talk about that?

LeeAnn Holmberg:   Yeah, that would be great.

Amy DeLardi: OK So thank you listeners for tuning in again to Podcast 3, we will catch you next week.

LeeAnn Holmberg:   Have a great week, take care. Bye.

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