Best Time to Tweet

when to post on social media

Knowing when to tweet can be hard to determine. Luckily, trends are emerging to help you figure out the times that produce the greatest responses. There are some general days and time that tend to be better than others. However, every business will be a little different and so you will have to do some of your own experimentation to test out what trends work for your business.

The conversation on twitter is pretty steady all day. Because twitter is about having a conversation, it has more continuous activity then a blog. Many professionals would agree that in the late afternoon and early evening there is a peak in re-tweets. Re-tweets are important because it gets your message passed along to a larger community. To catch as much attention as you can, make sure to tweet in the afternoon right before the big rush.

If your tweets tend to be more business related you will want to make sure to share them during the business week, especially Tuesday and Wednesday. However, if your tweets tend to be more personal, then I would suggest Friday and Saturday.

If a conversation gets started because of a tweet you made, stay on it as best you can. Twitter is very instantaneous, which is what people love about it. It is important to keep a captivated audience as long as you can. The more active you are the longer the conversation will last.

To see if people are talking about you, simply go to and type in your company name. It will pull up any recent activity on your search term. This is especially important if you are worried about customer service. People might be complaining about your product or service on twitter, and you want to make sure that you don’t get a bad reputation because you are not listening to what the customers are saying.

For more on this, check out “How to deal with twitter whiners” blog post

To get a more defined answer on tweeting times for your specific business, you can also use websites to analyze your tweets. will tell you the best day and best time for your specific twitter account. The one drawback is you need at least 1,000 tweets to analyze. is another website that will give you times to tweet. doesn’t need 1000 tweets to analyze, but it provides less precise results. This data will give you the best indication of how you need to tweet for your business. website screen shot website screen shot

Blog Series

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Best Time to Comment on Facebook…..Coming Friday

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