Time for Spring Cleaning!

Tips to Clean Up Your Current Website

Time for some spring cleaning! Follow these simple steps to clean and update your website this spring.

1. Check Your Links

Go through your website and check all of your links to make sure they are working properly. For one reason or another links break or become out-dated. I find this happens often when I have added a link to a news story. Many online news websites will only keep the most current news on their site.  This is also a good time to see where you can add new links. Maybe you want to highlight your most recent news coverage or a new press release. The more links you have the more interactive it will be for the people visiting your site.

2. Read Your Content

It has probably been awhile since you looked at the content on your website. Keeping the information on your site up-to-date will show your customers that you care. This is especially important if you have a news section on your website. Something might have been breaking news…a year ago, but it is not anymore. If you are really ambitious you might want to also look at the focus of your website. Maybe you have services that you want to push more, or a product that you have blasted all over your site that is not as popular anymore. This is a great time to re-examine your website as a whole and potentially make some bigger content changes.

3. Add Content

Search engines like when they see websites continue to add new content. It shows that you are active on your website and that your information is current and relevant. The best way to add content to your website is by posting blogs or adding new products. Inconsistent blogger? Set goals to keep yourself on track. Or, you can hire someone like IWD to manage your blog for you.

4. Re-Design

For some of you, your website may need a little more than just a few updates here and there. You may need a total face lift. The internet has changed drastically over the last few years; and your website is becoming more and more important to how you function as a business online. Investing in this technology is investing in your future success. If you are not sure if you want to jump into a re-design, I recommend conducting a little experiment. Find a few different people who have not seen your website and ask them how your website makes them feel. I also recommend asking your tester to try to complete a task on your site (ex. buying a product). You might be surprised by the message your website is sending to people, and also how user friendly it is. If you are seriously considering a website re-design, IWD can definitely help you with all of your web design needs. Contact IWD today and have a better website for the future.

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